Tournr Tips #5 – Facebook

Tournr is designed to help the Organisers and Competitors of competitions, and the primary way it achieves this is via Email, so – whenever an Organiser changes a competition (location, time etc) if the ‘Send an email with the changes’ check box is selected:


an email is sent to everyone who has registered with the competition (competitors added by the Organiser aren’t – I can’t guarantee the email address is correct).

There is another communication method as well, Facebook – you only see this if you have set up your account to use Facebook and this is how:

Link your account

1. Login to Tournr and go to your ‘Change settings’ page:


2. Click on the ‘Facebook’ link:


3. Login to facebook, and you’ll get this Window:


This is the bare minimum Tournr can ask for.

4. If you press ‘OK’ to this, you’ll be presented with:


By default, Tournr would only post privately so only you can see it, you can choose to change how Tournr will post by selecting from the drop down on the side.

5. If you press OK to that, you’ll be taken back to Tournr, and should see:


Sending a Facebook Post

When you edit your Tournament now, you can now create a Facebook post:


Which when saved should put a post like this to your timeline:


Unlink my account

To unlink, simply press the ‘Unlink’ button on the ‘Change your settings’ page.

Tournr Tips #5 – Facebook

Tournr is designed to help the Organisers and Competitors of competitions, and the primary way it achieves this is via Email, so – whenever an Organiser changes a competition (location, time etc) if the ‘Send an email with the changes’ check box is selected:


an email is sent to everyone who has registered with the competition (competitors added by the Organiser aren’t – I can’t guarantee the email address is correct).

There is another communication method as well, Facebook – you only see this if you have set up your account to use Facebook and this is how:

Link your account

1. Login to Tournr and go to your ‘Change settings’ page:


2. Click on the ‘Facebook’ link:


3. Login to facebook, and you’ll get this Window:


This is the bare minimum Tournr can ask for.

4. If you press ‘OK’ to this, you’ll be presented with:


By default, Tournr would only post privately so only you can see it, you can choose to change how Tournr will post by selecting from the drop down on the side.

5. If you press OK to that, you’ll be taken back to Tournr, and should see:


Sending a Facebook Post

When you edit your Tournament now, you can now create a Facebook post:


Which when saved should put a post like this to your timeline:


Unlink my account

To unlink, simply press the ‘Unlink’ button on the ‘Change your settings’ page.

Tournr Tips #4 – Finalising


Finalising is when you tell Tournr that your competition is finished. It is reversible, and you can ‘reopen’ your competition.

What happens?

Tournr will mark your competition as ‘finished’ and send an email out to all the registered members containing the results.

How do I finalise?

1. Log in to your competition and select the ‘cog’ at the top:


2. This will do one of two things, if you’ve already entered all your results, you’ll see:

If you’ve not put in all the results you’ll see:

then you’ll be taken to the ‘Are you sure’ screen.

3. Once you’ve finalised, you get taken to your competition page, with a ‘finished’ sub headline:


4. On your competitions page:


Your competition will now appear in your ‘Finished’ section – as an organiser you’ll see it in the ‘Organising’ section, competitors will see it in the ‘Finished/Competing’ section.


Tournr Tips #3 – Results

Tournr doesn’t just allow you to record entrants, but record their scores as well.

Adding Results

So, your competition has run and you’ve got results to enter

1. Go to the class you want to add the results for

2. Click on the ‘add results’ button:


3. You then get the ‘Add results’ page:


4. Fill it in as per your results:


Yes, you can use the same number for multiple people, as happens in some competitions.

5. You have the option of publishing now, if you check the ‘publish the results’ box:


the results will appear on your competition’s page. If you don’t then the results are saved, but they won’t be visible on your page – you can then go back to the ‘Set Results’ page and change the publish status later.


6. Saving takes you back to the main page, which (if you did publish the results) will look like:


New Feature – Multiple Organisers

Tournr has always had the ability to have multiple organisers, but up until now you’ve needed to ask me to set it up for you, which – let’s face it – is not ideal. Well, no longer!

It works in the same way as inviting does, you invite people (via email address) to your competition, but the form has changed and now allows you to ‘Invite as an organiser’


The recipient will get a link to click on that will register them as an organiser (they do need to have an account and be logged on).

The new organiser will have exactly the same permissions as you do, they can edit the competition how they want, they can add new competitors, add results, even delete the competition, so be careful!

New Feature – Private Competitions & Inviting

Tournr is proud to add a new feature:

Private Competitions

There are a few reasons why you might want private competitions, firstly you might want to play around with a competition (or the site!) but not have your efforts viewable to everyone, or you might just want to have a competition with your friends.

How to set the privacy

First off, you need to create a competition (or indeed edit an existing one), you’ll notice the checkbox under the competition name:


Simply, if checked – then it’ll be private, if left blank then it’ll be public.  It’s the same if you’re editing an existing tournament:


Obviously, unchecking the box will make your tournament public.

What does it mean?

Your tournament will not be searchable, or get-to-able by anyone you personally haven’t invited. When you look at your competition it will say ‘private’ next to the name:


On the home page, you will see a padlock next to your private competitions:


If someone goes to your competition, and they are not allowed in (or aren’t logged in) they will see this page:



A competition of 1 does not make for a lot of fun (although you do win all the time, so there is an upside!) – so you’ll want to invite people.

You invite via the ‘cog’ menu in the top right hand corner:


You fill in the form that pops up:


NB. It’s a semi-colon (;) delimited list of email addresses.

Press the ‘Send Invites’ button and away you go. The invitees will get an email asking them to come along and see the competition. Invitees do have to have an account on the site to see your competition, and the invite code they get is a one-time-use code, once they’ve used it no-one else can use it.

When you have invited people you can see who you’ve invited on your competition page (only organisers can see this):


The numbers mean I have sent 1 invite, and I’ve had 0 people accept.

I have two choices with the invite, the ‘resend’ button will resend the original invite, the ‘delete’ button will delete the invitation – so if the invitee does click on the link in the email – they still won’t be able to see the competition (useful if you put the wrong email address in by accident).

If someone accepts an invitation to a private competition all it means is that they can see the competition, they are not automatically registered to compete or anything, so you can quite easily invite people just to spectate the competition, or maybe just to view it to give you feedback before you make it public.

You can see who has accepted via the ‘Invites’ section of the Tournament Page:


Invitation Side Effect (or plus point)

One of the nice things about the invitation system is that it will also work for non-private competitions, so you can invite people to see your competition via the ‘cog’ menu in exactly the same way as above.

The main difference is that users will be sent just a link to your competition as no invite code is needed.

What if I want to go Private from Public?

Good question – Anyone who is registered to compete will still be able to see the competition, as will any organisers. People who have just looked at the competition in the past will not be able to see the competition anymore without and invite.


As always – just ask either email or comment and I will be happy to help!

Tournr Tips #2 – Messaging

Organisers! You want to send a message to your competitors? Everyone! You want to send a message to the organisers? No problem, Tournr has you covered.

One of the problems of running a competition is keeping in contact with everyone, sure a webpage is nice as long as people can get to it and check it regularly. But what happens when you want to ask a question, or just let a group of people know something?


1. When logged in to your competition look to the top right hand side of the navigation bar and click on the ‘envelope’ icon:


2. Select who you want to send the message to:


Note, you can message all, a particular class (in this case the open) or a particular competitor (me). If you have more classes, you’d have more options, equally the same for competitors.

3. Send the message and you’ll get a message sent notification:


4. Everyone will receive a message in their email like so:



Sending a message to the organisers is super easy – you don’t even need to be logged in!

1. Scroll down the competition page to the ‘Organisers’ section:


2. Press the ‘contact’ button


if you’re not logged in, the Name and Email address fields will be blank, ideally you want to fill in at least the email address so you can get a reply.

3. Again, ‘Sending’ the message will get you a success notification


4. The organisers will get the following message:


Tournr Tips #2 – Messaging

Organisers! You want to send a message to your competitors? Everyone! You want to send a message to the organisers? No problem, Tournr has you covered.

One of the problems of running a competition is keeping in contact with everyone, sure a webpage is nice as long as people can get to it and check it regularly. But what happens when you want to ask a question, or just let a group of people know something?


1. When logged in to your competition look to the top right hand side of the navigation bar and click on the ‘envelope’ icon:


2. Select who you want to send the message to:


Note, you can message all, a particular class (in this case the open) or a particular competitor (me). If you have more classes, you’d have more options, equally the same for competitors.

3. Send the message and you’ll get a message sent notification:


4. Everyone will receive a message in their email like so:



Sending a message to the organisers is super easy – you don’t even need to be logged in!

1. Scroll down the competition page to the ‘Organisers’ section:


2. Press the ‘contact’ button


if you’re not logged in, the Name and Email address fields will be blank, ideally you want to fill in at least the email address so you can get a reply.

3. Again, ‘Sending’ the message will get you a success notification


4. The organisers will get the following message:
